Destination Play at Kāwaroa, an initiative of the Taranaki Foundation in partnership with mana whenua of Ngāmotu, Ngāti Te Whiti, New Plymouth District Council and NP Partners, is designed as a legacy for future generations. It will be a family-friendly experience that brings the unique nature, culture, histories and stories of the site playfully alive.

An on-site blessing was held in March signaling the beginning of construction and removal of the existing playground. Civil construction will commence in April through to September where the installation of play equipment and furniture will be completed by December.

We have successfully secured $6M in funding for Stage One and the development and final design of Stage Two is now being finalised with some funding already secured.

As construction commences on Stage One, you are invited to consider contributing to Stage Two and help deliver the full vision and legacy. We are committed to creating the very best of New Zealand here in Ngāmotu, New Plymouth.

Together, we are making it happen!