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Looking for Funding?

When can you apply?

Are you working to help make Taranaki a more prosperous, vibrant, equitable region?

The Foundation runs one contestable grant round per year, where we are honoured to make modest grants to charitable projects in accordance with the wishes of our donors.

This year applications open on September 1st and close at 5pm on September 30th 2024.

Our annual funding round includes applications for:

  • Taranaki Foundation Annual Funding
  • The Tindall Foundation Funding for Taranaki

Your application will automatically be considered for both funding streams.

Taranaki Foundation is also delighted to administer the annual Coach McKean Small Grants Fund.

Taranaki Foundation Annual Funding: Grants Distribution Process:

Taranaki Foundation Annual Funding

Taranaki Foundation 2024 funding round will open from 1 September until 30 September.

As of 2024 approximately $77,000 of contestable funding is available as specified by individual donors who have established funds with Taranaki Foundation:

Funding priority areas:

• Arts & Culture
• Children, Youth & Family
• Aged Support
• Education
• Environment
• Health & Wellness
• Recreation & Sport
• Organisations working in South Taranaki
• Stronger Communities
Scholarship Assistance

Who can apply?

  • Charities and community groups making a meaningful impact to our local community.
  • Be based in Taranaki or deliver a substantial portion of your services in the region.
  • Applications must be from the entity that will govern and/or manage the activity funding is being sought for i.e. you can’t apply on someone else’s behalf.
  • Currently grants given are from $500 up to a maximum of $5000 but are typically much less with the average grant last year being $2,000.

Taranaki Foundation does not fund:

  • Projects or activities that are outside the geographic borders of New Zealand.
  • Political advocacy or advancement or other lobby groups.
  • Activities where the primary purpose is fundraising or re-gifting.

Find out more: 

Unsure if you can apply? Please contact us
Refer to our How to Apply Guide to find out more

Tindall Foundation Funding

Taranaki Foundation is proud to partner with The Tindall Foundation (TTF) to distribute donations in Taranaki through their Family/Whānau Focus Area.

This year we have approximately $48,000 available for these donations, with TTF donations ranging from $500 to $10,000.

Who can apply?

This funding prioritises whānau/families who experience multiple disadvantages across generations and the initiative should focus on positive outcomes, and on long-term solutions that see our tamariki/children, rangatahi/young people and their whānau/families be resilient, secure and thriving are community led.

Organisations can reapply annually, but funding is typically not available for more than three consecutive years.

When to apply? 

  • Applications are invited from organisations that meet The Tindall Foundation’s criteria during our annual funding round.
  • Apply through the Taranaki Foundation funding portal.

Find out more:

Read more about The Tindall Foundation’s Whānau/Families focus area on their website
Unsure if you can apply? Please contact us 
Refer to our How to Apply guide to find out more

Coach McKean Small Grants Fund

The Coach McKean Small Grants Fund has been established to provide financial assistance for emerging talented athletes of secondary school age within Taranaki. Grants will typically be no greater than $250 per nominated individual.

Who can apply?

Taranaki High School athletes are invited to apply for a grant to support sporting costs.

  • These grants are focused on athletes who have genuine need of additional resources to participate.
  • Individual grants are to be used for direct costs relating to: registration, equipment, travel and other associated costs for their sports.
  • All applications must include a letter of support from a school coach/teacher or sports coach.

When to apply? 

  • Applications for 2024 are now closed.

Find out more: 

  • Find out more about the Coach McKean Fund here 

Other Funding Sources

Generosity NZ provides extensive details on other funding options available in New Zealand. Access givUS  free of charge via The Wheelhouse website a service provided for Taranaki organisations.

The Taranaki Scholarships Portal

New Zealand Education Scholarships

Funding Assistance (wheelhouse.org.nz)

Have a few questions?

All our open grant schemes are listed on our Apply for Funding page.

We have one funding round per year, with applications opening on September 1st and closing on September 30th annually.  Applicants will be notified of the outcome in November. Find out more about applying for funding here.

Taranaki Foundation acts as The Tindall Foundation’s (TTF) Local Donation Manager for Taranaki, distributing donations from $500 to $10,000 to projects and initiatives that support The Tindall Foundation funding priorities.

TTF’s application process runs in parallel with Taranaki Foundations funding round. Apply through the Taranaki Foundation funding portal, and your application will automatically be considered for both funding streams.

No, Taranaki Foundation accepts only one grant application per organisation for our annual funding round.

Once all applications are received, we review them internally to match requests for funding to the focus of our funds.

To see who has received funding in the past, download our previous Impact Reports below:

2022/23 Impact Report

2021/2022 Impact Report

2020/2021 Impact Report


All applications are submitted through our online Taranaki Foundation Funding Portal.

Register / Login:
if this is the first time your first time applying through the Foundation Funding Portal you will need to register with a username (your email address) and a password. Every time you log in you will use this username and password.
How to apply:
When applying, we will need to know a few details about your organisation and what you are requesting funding for. Details we will ask for include:

– Charities Services or Incorporated Society Number (if applicable),
– Verified bank account details (e.g. bank deposit slip or screenshot of your account details),
– Programme/project details
– The need for your programme/project
– Expected outcomes of programme/project

"We’ve done well living in a strong community and we’re now in a position to give back to that community to allow things to be done in the future for others."
Harry and Helen Bayliss - Donors