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Workplace Giving

How does it work?

Wednesday, June 16th, 2021

Taranaki Foundation Workplace Giving is an easy way for companies to help their employees give back to our local community with regular donations through their payroll system.

It is simple for both employer and employee. Find out more about Workplace Giving here 

Does a company need to contribute any money up front?

Wednesday, June 16th, 2021

No. Companies aren’t required to contribute any money up front. All a company needs to do is:

Enable staff to donate through the payroll system (we can help set this up).

Include Workplace Giving information in induction packs for new staff.

Give us the opportunity to talk to your staff about workplace giving. We keep these presentations short and can do them in small groups to minimise the impact on your business. There is no obligation on your employees to participate.

Do employers have to match donations made by their employee?

Wednesday, June 16th, 2021

No they don’t. While some employers choose to contribute alongside their employees, it is not required.


How do employees get an immediate tax benefit?

Wednesday, June 16th, 2021

Not only is Workplace Giving an easy way for people to donate a little often, it also has the added bonus of an immediate tax benefit.

Employees receive an immediate tax credit for their donations, instead of having to retain their receipts and wait until the end of the year to claim a rebate.

For every dollar donated they receive a third back as a tax credit in the same pay period. If you donate $7.50, the government pays $2.50 of that meaning only $5 is deducted from your pay packet.