We are here to fulfil your giving wishes, making it easy to give back or leave a legacy to the Taranaki Community. Our smarter giving model means that any donation received will last for generations. We pool and invest the charitable gifts of our donors, with the investment returns earned going to back to local community groups as grants while the original investment continues to grow over time.
At Taranaki Foundation, our endowment pool consists of permanent funds built over time through generous gifts and bequests. While each fund is monitored individually, all capital is consolidated to reduce costs and risks.
To ensure optimal returns for our community, our Investment Committee guides our investment policy, overseen by Foundation Trustees. They appoint and supervise our specialist investment advisors, Craigs Investment Partners, Forsyth Barr, Jarden, Strategic Wealth Management & Midlands with whom agreements are established.
These advisors manage Taranaki Foundation’s investment portfolio (Craigs also manage several other community foundations across New Zealand); they are several of New Zealand’s largest and trusted full-service investment firms. Funds are managed in a socially responsible manner, employing socially responsible practices and assessing investments based on sustainability criteria.
Capital from Taranaki Foundation Funds is invested in a diversified, balanced-growth portfolio. It includes fixed interest, New Zealand, Australian and international shares and listed property investments. While our advisors play a significant role in our capital management, we also explore all reliable but more diverse investment opportunities. Investments outside of the scope of our advisors is managed by the Investment Committee in collaboration with the other experts.
Our Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO) outlines our commitment to prudently steward donor funds, focused on maximising fund distribution over the long-term.
Taranaki Foundation Funds are entirely donor-led and focused. The annual total return earned from investments is used to make grants to the charities, groups and people our Funds have been established to support. A portion of the income is retained to maintain the real value of each Fund. Each year 1% of your invested capital goes towards Taranaki Foundation operating expenses – this supports our operational team and the allows Foundation to continue to grow sustainably as a robust and future proofed Community Foundation.
Taranaki Foundation works with local funders and community leaders to identify areas of need throughout Taranaki. Our Distribution Committee oversees the granting of any unspecified Funds.
All Taranaki Foundation Trustees and committee members work as volunteer stewards, practicing Kaitiakitanga on behalf of the Taranaki community.
Taranaki Foundation is about bringing people together to make a lasting difference in local communities throughout our region.
We do this by connecting generous local donors with the people, projects and charitable causes making a real difference in Taranaki.
An important point of difference is that the funding streams we create will last indefinitely. Our smarter funding model leaves capital to grow while the income it earns is used for granting. Because we protect your initial gift, it can continue to generate income for local causes indefinitely.
Each Fund is monitored and accounted for individually however, to reduce risk and lessen administration costs, capital across all funds is combined and managed by Taranaki Foundation.
Taranaki Foundation’s investment portfolio is managed by Craigs Investment Partners, Forsyth Barr, Jarden & Strategic Wealth Management with supervision from our Investment Management Committee. Several other investments sit with other smaller fund managers, providers and in assets outside the core portfolio. We are open to working with all Fund Managers in New Zealand.
We have a Statement of Investment Policy and Objectives (SIPO) that outlines our investment strategy.
If you have an existing relationship with an investment/fund manager you are welcome to continue using their services given they meet the appropriate fiduciary requirements. We are open to working with all advisors in our community.
By making your charitable giving via Taranaki Foundation your donation can go further and forever within the community you love.
Your donation can be invested and grown, with the income it generates funding local causes year on year. It’s a simple, effective and long-lasting way for your generosity to support our community’s needs and impact long-term change.
Better still, you can choose who benefits from your gift. Find out more here
"By giving through Taranaki Foundation, your donation is invested and grown, continually earning to create a reliable, long-term funding stream that supports local causes that you care about, forever. "Sir Stephen Tindall - The Tindall Foundation