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Community Foundations NZ

The Collective Good.

We’re part of a network of Community Foundations that have been growing around Aotearoa New Zealand since 2003.

Through the coordination of Community Foundations of Aoteroa NZ (our national body), we’re all working to make a lasting difference in our local communities. And supported by The Tindall Foundation and Craig’s Investment Partners Limited, our aim is for every New Zealander to be able to affect lasting change wherever their home or heart may be.

CFANZ Vision

“Strengthening the communities of Aotearoa New Zealand – Hei whakakaha, i ngā hāpori o Aotearoa.”

Our commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi
We recognise the role of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi as the foundational document for Aotearoa New Zealand and we recognise that the principles in Te Tiriti must guide and inform our practice, both individually and collectively. We are committed to growing our Te Ao Māori knowledge and our understanding of what it means to authentically work in partnership with Māori in communities.

CFANZ Fund Calculator

Community Foundations are building permanent funding streams to achieve long term community transformation. It’s the interest your giving earns that will be distributed to local causes; the gift itself remains protected so it can continue to benefit your chosen cause well into the future.

To see how our endowment funds work, check out this interactive calculator that CFANZ have developed to show how an endowment fund is a gift that keep giving year after year – click here.

How far we’ve come

Through New Zealand’s Community Foundations over $60 million has been granted to New Zealand communities in the past 5 years and today we have over $240 million invested in endowment funds for the future. Furthermore, we have hundreds of anticipated bequests adding up to many millions of dollars yet to be invested for future community transformation. With our invested endowment fund model protecting the original gifts, the potential good these gifts can do for the future is boundless.


CFANZ Annual Report

The CFANZ Annual Impact Report provides a snapshot into the stories from the 18 member foundations and the generous locals who drive positive change within our communities. It provides insight into the philanthropic culture we are building, showing how community aspirations are being transformed into reality throughout Aotearoa.

Download your copy of the report here >>

Committed to excellence and proud to be a professional member of




""The work of Community Foundations is focused on community impact. They have deep roots in communities and utilise community insight to connect local philanthropy with changing needs and opportunities.""
Arron Perriam, Executive Director of CFANZ